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Looking Back at 5K and Moving Forward…

4 Years after the Couch-to-5K…

December 26, 2012

First, I’d like to thank you for visiting my blog. The main purpose of this blog is to let you see what my Couch-to-5K (C25K) experience was as I was going through it back in 2008. For the most part, it’s remained that way ever since.

Please use the links at the top or to the right to navigate around the specific weeks’ entries. If you are currently considering doing the Couch-to-5K or are having trouble with it, these entries might be of some help. I hope you find something useful here, and feel free to comment on any posts; I am still eager to hear from you and answer questions about my C25K experience.

As for myself, four years later, I’ve gone through some things in life that have taken up a lot of my time and energy, but I’ve always retained my ability to run, and that’s something that the C25K did for me. As I write this, I’m on Day 1 of being back on Weight Watchers, and I’m thrilled to be back on the plan after a long break. I look forward to getting back onto the treadmill and the bike and getting back into shape.

Have a safe winter and keep in touch!


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Another Link & an Interlude in Week 6

Here is the third step of Roni’s series, “3 Steps to a Healthier YOU!”

Step 3: Move More

I also commented on her article, but wanted to repeat my comment here, so I’ve posted it as an interlude to my Week 6 progress on the Week 6 page. It was something that I realized I wanted you all to read, too, because it explains a little about my attitude about the running.


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Week 6, Day 1 Report Posted & Links…

I finally wrote about Monday’s workout! You can read it on my Week 6 page. Doing Day 2 today, so that should be up soon, too.

If you get a chance, check out Steps 1 & 2 of a 3-Step series from Roni on her site, Roni’s Weigh, called, “3 Steps to a Healthier YOU!” She’s got a lot of personal insight into getting healthier and accepting your body before you can change it, and how losing weight didn’t make her happy, but getting healthier did. Step 2 is about throwing away the idea of being “on a diet” and making good choices, instead. If you make a wrong choice, make a better choice the next time. It’s a very insteresting read. I’ll post the link to Step 3 when it’s on the site.

Step 1: Self-Acceptance

Step 2: Stateless Dieting


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Week 5 is underway! Also, dress picture posted…

The first report for Week 5 is up, on my Week 5 page. I also updated my prior post about trying on my wedding dress after 10 years. I finally reached the weight I was then, and it even fit better this time than it did on my wedding day! You can see the photo toward the bottom of my Week 4 page.

Here’s a link to an article by Dave Bailey for all of us beginning runners (and maybe some entertainment for the old pros) that I found thanks to a post by JennerVT over at the Running Ahead boards: At 33, I Suddenly Got the Running Bug.

I hope everyone’s week is going well!


Week Four Done…and My Wedding Dress Fits!

My report for the last day of Week Four is posted. It was also the day I was able to put on my wedding dress again, after 10 years! Read about it here

UPDATE: Photo is now posted of me in my wedding dress.  😛

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Doing the Right Thing

After taking in my mom and sister’s dog to be put down last night, all of us being emotionally worn down from a week of waiting for the appointment, they, my hubby and I went out to eat. It had been planned ahead of time. Partly because none of us had eaten beforehand and partly because it was good to stay out and go somewhere, instead of taking my mom and sister back to an empty house right away. It would be the first hour without little Leroy.

It was a late dinner, about 9pm. Since I’m doing a weight loss program and only had a certain amount of food values left in my day, I wanted to keep it light, not dipping too far into my extra allowed values for the week. I’m not typically the person who orders a salad as the main course when I’m in a restaurant. If I’m going to have the chance to eat a beef burger or something I don’t normally make at home, I’m going to order it.

I didn’t do that this time. My thinking and eating habits have changed in the past 11 (now 12) days. I set my mind on getting to my goal (and beyond), and it includes being able to do more than I’d done in my past attempts. If I chose the wrong (for me) food right now, it would mentally set me back, and it would open a door for more wrong choices in the days to follow.

For one moment I had switched my dinner choice from what I originally thought was the lightest choice on the menu – the chef salad – to a burger with melted feta cheese (even going as far as practicing how to say feta). I was going to ask for a substitute for the fries – a side salad, if possible – and accept digging deep into my extra allowed food values I had saved up during the week. Then I thought, “why on Earth am I doing this? This is not how I am training myself to think anymore! This is throwing my hands up and saying that my effort isn’t worth a chef’s salad.”

So I changed my mind back as soon as I felt the fear that I’d mentally set myself back. I told hubby, “you know what, I’m going to get the chef’s salad afterall.” I felt good that I was able to say it, and I was still going to get a good meal (with some cheese, too!). Hubby was proud of me, and that helped.

The salad came, and it was enough for 4 people. I ate the whole thing, with my gravy boatload of balsamic vinaigrette at my side. I only used a tiny bit of it, too. I’m not a balsamic vinegar person, but the little bit of flavor was just enough to make the salad come alive, and I really stuffed my face, for a lot fewer calories than I would have had. Oh, and I only ate one slice of the bread before dinner, with a little bit of butter. I wanted more, but the fact that I didn’t eat more feels better than if I had.

The choices I made at just one meal prevented me from thinking badly about my progress so far and possibly setting me back. I can’t allow myself to make the wrong choices. Once I do, it snowballs. It’s not about whether I deprived myself of the burger (“Go ahead, have the burger! It’s only one meal! You can make it up later! Life is short…blah blah blah”), it’s about making the better choice that allows me to be more satisfied in the end…and that means walking away not hungry as well as knowing that I still enjoyed what I ate. And that feeling will last longer than any meal can. 
