Oranges 2 Oranges

Looking Back at 5K and Moving Forward…

Announcing My Other Blog!

Hi all! It’s been a long time! I hope if you’re here to read about my 2008 Couch to 5K program that you can find inspiration and motivation to keep going whether you’re thinking about starting the program, about to start or are somewhere in the middle. You can do it if I can do it! Links to each week are to the right.  –>

I’m here today to tell you about my new blog that started in February, 2015. Head on over and check it out! It’s called With a Dog by My Side, and in it I talk about life and living with our two dogs I call our Bubs.

Thanks for coming by!

Shannan  ❤

Copyright Shannan Raucci

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Wii!!! Another 5K at home…

Okay, I just remembered that I hadn’t checked in yet today regarding yesterday’s run of 5K (3.1 miles)! I did it! There are a couple of you out there who came to mind when I wanted to stop early, but I kept going because I wanted to be able to say today that I did it. It has been a few weeks since I’ve had a regular running schedule, and I haven’t been doing well in terms of mileage, so it was a little harder incorporating my new-found, slightly faster pace with the longer distance.

My legs felt sluggish below the knee in the last third, and it felt like time was slowing down. But, hey, I finished the C25K, didn’t I? I’ve already gone this far before! Why couldn’t I do it again? I need to move forward, not backward!

I’m sore today, but it feels good, because I know that it’s because of the effort I made. I’ll need to recalibrate my Nike+ again, since I had a little problem with something falling onto the treadmill’s belt last calibration, which I think calibrated the Nike+ to think that it was taking me longer to get to the mile than it actually would have without my trying to pick up the thing off the belt. I may well have run longer than 3.1 miles, as the treadmill itself said it was 3.3 miles.

On another note, my mother won a Wii Sport and gave it to us yesterday! We played it yesterday, and I played it today for an hour so far. You kind of get a workout from it if you really put forth an effort to MOVE and not sit there just moving your arms, which some people have done. It’s fun! We’re looking into getting Tomb Raider, since it was our favorite game on the old Playstation years ago. YAY!

Thanks, Mom!

Have a good evening, everyone!  🙂



Day 3 of My One-a-Day Challenge

Okay, so it’s the third day of my challenge to myself to run a mile each day until Sunday, when I’ll run 2 miles, bringing my weekly total to 7 miles. I’m up to 2.5 miles, since I didn’t run yesterday. I have legitimate reasons for not running yesterday, but the point is, I made up some of it today, running 1.5 miles. I even did it with an 11:53 pace, which is fast for me. I’ve been challenging myself to run a little during my runs at a faster speed, to try to get my average pace up (fewer minutes per mile). I hope to be able to at least do the tomorrow’s mile between doing a project for work and other things around the house.

As for the reasons I didn’t run yesterday, I’m first an earlier-in-the-day runner (more like late morning), and I got home around 4pm, making it much later than I’m used to. It was not a priority for me at the time. Secondly, and probably the more legitimate reason, is that a few days earlier I had been doing strength training and did a favorite of mine that I learned on the Biggest Loser DVDs, which is the wood chopping movement, where you hold a weight in your hands and slowly pretend you’re chopping wood from one shoulder down to the opposite foot. I did fine that day, but the next two days my hamstrings were hurting — more so on Monday night and Tuesday morning — and my right leg had also been twitching on Monday night. I was afraid I’d damage something if I ran, and I knew I needed the rest time.

It’s been difficult getting back into a routine the way it was when I was on a strict C25K schedule. There’s no chart to tell me where I am, and I’m not really answering to anyone but myself. The fun part of it, though, is that I’m starting to really try to better my times and to get used to the faster speeds. It’s been interesting finding my limits and trying to go past them each time.

So…my aim is to run the next 3 days and then on Sunday do a full 2 miles. Maybe I’ll even pull off something better.

I hope you’re all keeping warm, and for those of you in warmer climates, appreciate it!



I Just Ran 5K!!!

I ran 5K!

I figured that the run after my C25K graduation should be one that proves that I can actually run 5K (3.1 miles). I had been running based on time during the program, and today I decided to run based on distance. It took me 45:05 minutes, but I ended up with a 14:27 pace, which is about the pace I was doing during the final phases of the C25K program. That’s all based on my Nike+, which I will keep using to maintain consistent stats, even if it’s a bit off on the time. The Nike+ time is always about 10 seconds slower for every half hour, so my pace is probably a little bit faster over the 45 minutes.

I’m not going to be doing the One Hour Runner program. I’m not ruling it out for good, but I’m not really seeing it in my future. I just went from doing 30-minute runs to a 45-minute easy run (with a couple minutes at an increased speed, then keeping it a little faster than the run’s beginning/easy speed for the rest of the run), and I’d hate to have to follow the 30-30-30 schedule for 3 more weeks, and then slowly add to my time. Even if I’m risking overdoing it, I feel free now to run longer if I want to, or shorter on other days.

My plan thus far is going to be to not do more than one long run per week, and the other days of the week will depend on how I feel. If I can make 30 minutes, then I will. If I can only do a mile that day, then that’s how it’s going to be. My plan is to not have a plan, but to be smart about it so I don’t hurt myself. I’m sticking with 3x a week for now, but willing to be flexible.

I’ve posted some C25K graduation pics on the Week 9 page. For now, my posts will be on this front page, and I will keep Weeks 1-9 up for those who are contemplating their own C25K journey and just want to see what one person’s runs were like.

Have a great rest of the week!



I Graduated C25K!

I’m just quickly posting that I finished the C25K today! I’ll post details and some photos later…  🙂

(To quickly answer a question – I’m starting OHR next week.)


Week 9 – Break Out the Cap & Gown!

I started Week 9 today, the final week of the C25K program. I’ll be graduating in 4 days! My first report is here, on the Week 9 page.

***Week 9 Update***: I’ve posted about my second run this week. I’ve included a question that anyone can answer freely. Stop by and give it a gander!

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NaNoWriMo! and OHR Decision…

(Click for website)

My sister told me about this, and I’ve been wanting to do something like it for a little while now. The goal is to write 50,000 words (a novel) during the month of November. It’s called NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month. I’m signed up, on top of doing this… DRUMROLL PLEASE…

I’ve decided to go ahead with doing the One Hour Runner (OHR) program after I finish the C25K next week!

The format of this blog will most likely stay the same for the time being, with the weeks numbered, until I work on getting hosted on my own and designing Oranges 2 Oranges myself. That’s another project in the works, rattling around in my brain.  :^\

Post Update:

I have posted about my 3rd run of Week 8. You can read it toward the bottom of my Week 8 page. 

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Now, that’s more like it!

I’ve posted my second report on Week 8. Today’s run was more like I’m used to. You can read about it on my Week 8 page

Also, here’s the link to the Go! 5K Walk/Run in Oak Brook, IL, that I posted about last week, for those of you who haven’t seen the post: Go! 5K Run in Fullersburg Woods.

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Week 8 – Where has the time gone?

I’ve posted my first report on this week’s runs. It was a really strange workout. I’m not completely convinced I was even present. LOL Check it out on my Week 8 page. Have a good one!!!

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Middle of Week 7 and My First Poll

There’s a new poll feature available, so I thought I’d give it a try today to find out a little about my running visitors and friends. Check out my post for today’s run and the poll that follows it on my Week 7 page.

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