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Looking Back at 5K and Moving Forward…

Announcing My Other Blog!

Hi all! It’s been a long time! I hope if you’re here to read about my 2008 Couch to 5K program that you can find inspiration and motivation to keep going whether you’re thinking about starting the program, about to start or are somewhere in the middle. You can do it if I can do it! Links to each week are to the right.  –>

I’m here today to tell you about my new blog that started in February, 2015. Head on over and check it out! It’s called With a Dog by My Side, and in it I talk about life and living with our two dogs I call our Bubs.

Thanks for coming by!

Shannan  ❤

Copyright Shannan Raucci

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Let’s Try This Differently…

Hi there, everyone!

I just moved three posts into “Draft” status, as they’ve been sitting here for all to see without my actually having done anything about what they promised I’d do. In them, I talked about how I was going to start a 10K program and that I was going to start it x-number of weeks ago (3.5, to be exact). Things happened, and I never got started. That’s not to say that I’m going to lay down my workout gear and start hanging clothes on my trusty treadmill.

I actually did begin to get ready at the time I had promised, and things just went awry. I sprayed silicone on the wrong side of the treadmill’s belt. While trying to move the treadmill into place shortly after that, I banged my left heel into something and made a sizeable gash in my foot, rendering me useless when it came to being on my feet that day, and I certainly couldn’t wear shoes (for a few days) until it healed. My husband and I did walk together a couple of times later that week, but I’d planned on getting back into this the following week. That never happened. The momentum was gone, and it would take another wave of enthusiasm or motivation – or whatever you want to call it – for that to come back.

Well, now it’s back. I’ve got a new perspective on certain things and I’m ready to get back to the exercise, to the activity, to being stronger again. I’m not following a program this time. I was going to do the Galloway Method for running a 10K, but I’m not going to. I can’t use the structure right now, and I just need the freedom to go, go, go. That’s my momentum. Forward motion without the dits and dashes that come with writing everything down. Right now it’s not my style.

So follow along with me as I write about it once in a while, and please continue to share your own stories in the comments, but I’m thinking of revitalizing this blog into something else, something new and interesting that I only ever dreamed or wondered about in the past. I’d keep my old Couch-to-5K (C25K) pages up here, but I’d be moving into focusing less on running and more about other adventures on which we’re embarking. (No, we’re not adding another member to the family…) This is about living life more widely and seeing more of the world, even if for now it’s no more than a state away. It’s about moving forward as a couple, along with our dogs, seeing what’s out there and learning some things along the way.

So…join me when you can and stay tuned!

~ Shannan

PS. As I had mentioned in a previous post that I’ve removed, I’ve changed the appearance of the blog and am working on a new color and font choice, so you might see that changing over time to something that works.  🙂

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Summer or Other?

Hello everyone!

It’s been a cool summer after the heat wave we had a couple of weeks back. It feels more like fall than anything, so it feels like we’re missing out on getting the hot temps we’re supposed to be getting. I want the heat back!

Has anyone been set back from or encouraged to go out and run due to the current temperatures where you are? How’s your progress if you’re doing the C25K program this summer? Summer can be a busy time, which makes it difficult to keep up with a set schedule, so if you’ve started, keep going!  🙂

~ Shannan

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How Are You (doing so far)?

Hello! Welcome!

It’s been over a month since my last post. It’s been over 4 years since I started this blog on my quest to record my Couch-to-5K progress. It was meant to be both a public and personal journal of what it took to get through those 9 weeks, and I got some feedback from readers during that time. There have been over 7,700 visits to the blog since, and I’m wondering if any of you are still out there.

If you have read through this blog and it has helped you in any way, please…let me know. Comment here. Let me know how you’re doing on the Couch-to-5K (C25K) plan or weight loss, adding exercise to your routine in general or whether the C25K changed anything in your life. I’d like to have a conversation and talk about things that might be bothering you or encouraging you about this plan, and it could help others to make that decision to try it. It’s been a while, but you might just teach me something I hadn’t learned in my own trek through those weeks when I was doing the workouts. Maybe the conversation will switch to something else. That’s okay, too.

If you need a refresher and it’s been a while since you came across this blog, peruse the weeks…they’re listed at the top and to the right. Thanks!

Have a happy and healthy day!

~ Shannan


4 Years after the Couch-to-5K…

December 26, 2012

First, I’d like to thank you for visiting my blog. The main purpose of this blog is to let you see what my Couch-to-5K (C25K) experience was as I was going through it back in 2008. For the most part, it’s remained that way ever since.

Please use the links at the top or to the right to navigate around the specific weeks’ entries. If you are currently considering doing the Couch-to-5K or are having trouble with it, these entries might be of some help. I hope you find something useful here, and feel free to comment on any posts; I am still eager to hear from you and answer questions about my C25K experience.

As for myself, four years later, I’ve gone through some things in life that have taken up a lot of my time and energy, but I’ve always retained my ability to run, and that’s something that the C25K did for me. As I write this, I’m on Day 1 of being back on Weight Watchers, and I’m thrilled to be back on the plan after a long break. I look forward to getting back onto the treadmill and the bike and getting back into shape.

Have a safe winter and keep in touch!


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Wow, Has it really been this long?

I hadn’t realized just how long it’s been since I posted here. What started out as a way to track my progress on the C25K turned into other things, and then it just tapered off. I guess I should try to keep this up so that I can track my progress in my next endeavor: going back to school, this time for Massage Therapy, in September! I’m excited about it, but there’s this summer to get through. There are still a few months at my current job, getting all my health-related tasks (shots, CPR training, etc) done for school and getting my books and scrubs.

I’m going to try to update this more often. Again, I just wanted to check in so you know I’m still here.

Please…Look around through my blog, and if you’re interested in the Couch to 5K (C25K), you can read my entries for each of the weeks. The links are at the top of the page and on the right side. THANKS!


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Long ago and not-so-far-away….

I’ve been away for a while, but I wanted to check in and let my visitors know that all the weeks of my Couch to 5K diary are still here to be read. I may be back soon to start updating on my running progress and what I’ve been doing over the summer with that. Have a great day!

Shannan  🙂


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I reached my goal! (But it’s not over, yet!)

A big THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to my fundraising goal of $1,000 for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Out of the Darkness Overnight Walk! I reached my goal yesterday! Here is what I have written on my fundraising page, which includes a call for any further donations to go toward the goal of my friend, Annette Hernandez, so that she can walk with me in June. We are a team, afterall!  :^)

From my page:

I want to thank everyone who contributed to my goal of reaching $1,000 in donations! You are all making a huge difference in the lives of many. I want to say to those who are still considering making a donation that my teammate, Annette Hernandez, is still working toward that goal. Please consider helping her reach her goal so that we may walk together as a team in June. Thank you all so much for your kind words of encouragement and for your part in what the AFSP is trying to accomplish.

If you’re interested…to make a donation to the AFSP through Annette’s page, please click here. Every dollar makes a huge difference, and every dollar is very much appreciated! You can also check on the overall status of our team on our team’s page: Resounding Grace.

Wow, a month ago the goal seemed really hard to get to, and there were doubts, but there are people out there – even some I’ve never met in person –  who really care about the cause, care about helping out a friend and care about the mission we’re trying to accomplish. We’ve together helped so many in giving the AFSP that much more to work with, but it’s only the beginning. Annette and I are walking not only in the memory of those we’ve lost to suicide or know who have to live with mood disorders, but we’re also walking in order to be with and show God’s love to those who are left behind and hurting. This is a walk for healing and remembering, and what better way to do that but surrounded by friends, new and old?

I’m walking!….and there’s still so much to prepare for!

That leads me to something I told a friend that I’d do. He’s been my motivation through a lot of challenging and celebratory days when I was going through the Couch to 5K program (you can see my journal, week-by-week, on this blog). He’s probably going to be what pushes me out the door that first time I get myself outside to do a real, non-treadmill, run – yes, I’m glued to my treadmill. I want to thank him for being there as one of my “mentors” in the process. Today is 8 weeks away from the Overnight walk. I will keep a running tally of my “training” time for the walk, which is bound to include some running, too. Hubby and I have been walking after work most days, and I’ve only been logging the time somewhere else. I owe it to my donors to keep them updated on how everything is going. You won’t be left in the dark.

Not including anything we’ve done to date, here is the tally – currently set at zero – which I will update often.

Total minutes walked & run: 0

Miles walked: 0

Miles run: 0

I’m sure that we will not have a stellar weekend, considering we’re pretty much homebound these two days, working around the house all weekend – with a birthday party for a niece somewhere in between – but we’ll be back at it on Monday. Besides, I need an excuse to use my new Garmin!  :^) Maybe I’ll even post maps of all the squiggly lines we’ve made on our walks.

Have a good rest of the weekend, everyone. Congrats on your new job, Mr. V, and don’t worry, you’ll do fine.  😉


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Day 3 of My One-a-Day Challenge

Okay, so it’s the third day of my challenge to myself to run a mile each day until Sunday, when I’ll run 2 miles, bringing my weekly total to 7 miles. I’m up to 2.5 miles, since I didn’t run yesterday. I have legitimate reasons for not running yesterday, but the point is, I made up some of it today, running 1.5 miles. I even did it with an 11:53 pace, which is fast for me. I’ve been challenging myself to run a little during my runs at a faster speed, to try to get my average pace up (fewer minutes per mile). I hope to be able to at least do the tomorrow’s mile between doing a project for work and other things around the house.

As for the reasons I didn’t run yesterday, I’m first an earlier-in-the-day runner (more like late morning), and I got home around 4pm, making it much later than I’m used to. It was not a priority for me at the time. Secondly, and probably the more legitimate reason, is that a few days earlier I had been doing strength training and did a favorite of mine that I learned on the Biggest Loser DVDs, which is the wood chopping movement, where you hold a weight in your hands and slowly pretend you’re chopping wood from one shoulder down to the opposite foot. I did fine that day, but the next two days my hamstrings were hurting — more so on Monday night and Tuesday morning — and my right leg had also been twitching on Monday night. I was afraid I’d damage something if I ran, and I knew I needed the rest time.

It’s been difficult getting back into a routine the way it was when I was on a strict C25K schedule. There’s no chart to tell me where I am, and I’m not really answering to anyone but myself. The fun part of it, though, is that I’m starting to really try to better my times and to get used to the faster speeds. It’s been interesting finding my limits and trying to go past them each time.

So…my aim is to run the next 3 days and then on Sunday do a full 2 miles. Maybe I’ll even pull off something better.

I hope you’re all keeping warm, and for those of you in warmer climates, appreciate it!



I Just Ran 5K!!!

I ran 5K!

I figured that the run after my C25K graduation should be one that proves that I can actually run 5K (3.1 miles). I had been running based on time during the program, and today I decided to run based on distance. It took me 45:05 minutes, but I ended up with a 14:27 pace, which is about the pace I was doing during the final phases of the C25K program. That’s all based on my Nike+, which I will keep using to maintain consistent stats, even if it’s a bit off on the time. The Nike+ time is always about 10 seconds slower for every half hour, so my pace is probably a little bit faster over the 45 minutes.

I’m not going to be doing the One Hour Runner program. I’m not ruling it out for good, but I’m not really seeing it in my future. I just went from doing 30-minute runs to a 45-minute easy run (with a couple minutes at an increased speed, then keeping it a little faster than the run’s beginning/easy speed for the rest of the run), and I’d hate to have to follow the 30-30-30 schedule for 3 more weeks, and then slowly add to my time. Even if I’m risking overdoing it, I feel free now to run longer if I want to, or shorter on other days.

My plan thus far is going to be to not do more than one long run per week, and the other days of the week will depend on how I feel. If I can make 30 minutes, then I will. If I can only do a mile that day, then that’s how it’s going to be. My plan is to not have a plan, but to be smart about it so I don’t hurt myself. I’m sticking with 3x a week for now, but willing to be flexible.

I’ve posted some C25K graduation pics on the Week 9 page. For now, my posts will be on this front page, and I will keep Weeks 1-9 up for those who are contemplating their own C25K journey and just want to see what one person’s runs were like.

Have a great rest of the week!
